"My Testimony of the Eclectic
Knowledge of Christ"
Hello readers and seekers of truth and spiritual wisdom. Chapter one took me at least thirty years to write and the book is something I’ve been working on for fifty years. Over the last thirty years I've written and rewritten this book over and over to make sure each word, each sentence, and each paragraph is perfect. YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO GO EVEN ONE MORE DAY WITHOUT READING THIS BOOK.
Chapter one is a miracle. Chapter one saved my life. If I didn’t figure out how to remember what is in chapter one, I’d probably be dead, or some miserable person sorting out what awful medication to take daily. Chapter one takes you to when I was in the hospital with encephalitis and describes the terror I endured at the age of two. After fighting the powerful impact of the emotional scars throughout childhood, I was able to figure out as a teenager how to get my mind to recall the experiences and ultimately overcome the trauma of the hospital. You'll learn how I got mental demons inside me and how I overcame them. I overcame a lot of mental disorders people suffer from in today's society. Disorders like PTSD and DEPRESSION. Subsequent chapters go into great detail about how I achieved this. I believe you'll learn a lot of new things, and positive doors will open up for you.
You'll read about THE FIRST VISION and REINCARNATION, AND THE SECOND VISION and CHRIST. These visions are powerful. You can tap into this. As long as you believe in yourself there is hope. Self-belief was a power the demons could never take away from me. By learning how I overcame the trauma as a teenager, you'll be inspired to overcome the challenges in your life. After all, as it has been said, "We are all the same."
Outline of the picture in the clouds
"My Testimony of The Eclectic Knowledge of Christ." Question: What is God's message? Answer: Humanity is threatening life on earth and it needs to be stopped. Everyone must step up their game. It starts from within. If you improve yourself, you improve the home you live in, the street it is on, your city, your state, your nation, and the world. Question: “Do you think God is worried about the world?” Answer: “Yes.” Question: “Why should someone believe Christ came to you?” Answer: "If God wants you to believe, you will." Question: “Any actual proof?” Answer: “This book describes things that couldn't have happened without Divine intervention. When you enter the room, do you deny the table in front of you? Do you deny the chairs at the table? Do you deny what you see with your own eyes? Question: “How did you know how to overcome what you overcame?” Answer: “Keep reading, look up to the stars and search within yourself for the answer. Remember, a miracle is the manifestation of knowledge currently unknown.” Question: “Who are you?” Answer: Read the book. I’m a recruit. Maybe you are also.” Question: “Why now?” Answer: “The danger to the world is extremely high and God figured humanity needed a spiritual tune-up! God has calculated the probabilities and most likely outcome of human technology and saw the need to act. You think in the same primitive way as a thousand years ago, but unlike a thousand years ago, have the ability to instantly kill millions of people. It’s time to interfere.” Question: “Therefore, what?” Answer: “There needs to be a seismic shift in human thought. This book opens the door. Read it.” Question: “How can a thought stop a bullet?” Answer: “With God there is hope.”
The Miracle Photo and Trauma
The picture in the clouds is a Divine Bilboard, a Poster from God announcing that you should study my words. This photo was taken in British Columbia, Canada, in 1975, on Highway 16. It is not a photoshop. This inspiring book is about why Christ told me to overcome powerful emotinal trauma. To understand my book you must see the picture in the clouds, as I saw the pictures in my mind. Without seeing the pictures in my mind, I wouldn't have been able to visualize the trauma. "My Testimony of The Eclectic Knowledge of Christ" is filled with explicit and implicit references to the pictures in my mind, and the power they possess. You too must understand the power of visualization. The statue of David was first conceived in the mind of Michelangelo. The statue was hidden by marble and Michelangelo removed the excess stone to uncover it. As I faced the trauma, I was guided by an image in my mind, much like the image Michelangelo had when he created David. I chiseled off the marble, and created the sculpture that is now my consciousness. I emerged from my consciousness. In the above picture in the clouds, there is a sarcophagus and a child with the number two written across its chest. The child is leaving the sarcophagus. Above the right eye is an upside-down pyramid, which is the symbol for the Christian principal that the greatest among us is the servant of all. There are spectators in the clouds.
Not everyone can see the picture in the clouds, but not everyone can see the solution to a problem, or the potential of a human being. Not everyone can visualize the correct direction vs. the wrong, or what knowledge is valuable vs. what knowledge takes up time and space. Sometimes this blessing needs to come from God to fulfill his purpose on earth.
"What is the Buz about your name and the Bible Books, Lamentations and Malachi?
"My inititials are L.A.M., the first three letters of the book of Lamentations. Spelled backwards, it is M.A.L., the first three letters in the book Malachi."
"What a Coincidence!"
For more coincidences, read the book, "My Testimony of the Eclectic Knowledge of Christ."
"My inititials are L.A.M., the first three letters of the book of Lamentations. Spelled backwards, it is M.A.L., the first three letters in the book Malachi."
"What a Coincidence!"
For more coincidences, read the book, "My Testimony of the Eclectic Knowledge of Christ."
The Return of the King
He stood at the field of souls, a place where souls stand before they descend into the body. He saw many souls descend. They looked like glowing fish, majestically spiraling downward—one after the other, like balls of light, falling to the earth. When it was his time, he slowly went down into the body. He thought about all his knowledge. The intelligentsia of the universe respected him for his great knowledge and wisdom. He became worried about becoming obscure. No more respect, no more admiration, suddenly lost in a sea of humanity! What if something goes wrong and he’s stuck down there? As he entered the body, his knowledge and memory faded. His knowledge and memory slowly separated from him, and drifted away. He panicked. He tried harder and harder to remember who he was. He felt a great psychic pain. He regretted being born. Over and over and over with all his psychic energy he repeated that he was a king. But suddenly it was over. He had forgotten. He looked up and saw a dim light in the middle of two dark shafts. He had been born.
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To read about valuable knowledge as apposed to knowledge that takes up time and space, read about maps.
To Access the page, "Correct Thinking," click below. Contains exerpts from the book.
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Hello readers and seekers of inner truth and spiritual inspiration! There is a mental health crisis, and emotional problems are ruining more and more lives. Emotional problems are often linked to an experience like the one described in this book. You aren’t alone. Reading this book is like staring into a fragmented mirror and seeing bits and pieces of your broken self in it. Everyone has a cross to carry.
Two children were sick in the hospital with encephalitis; one lived, one died. I was the one that lived. I survived, but was devastated by the traumatic hospital experiences. Christ visited me and encouraged me. Christ showed me the future. In the future, Christ would help me confront the emotional scars. Christ supported my thoughts, my mind, like a tree stake, he held me up, as if I was strong. I was empowered, bolstered; his thoughts were in my head. This is a real-life story, unlike any other.
This book takes you through my younger years and teenage years, and describes how I dealt with the traumatic memories, forgot them, and subsequently, discovered how to defeat them. As you understand how Christ helped me overcome the trauma, you’ll see the roadmap to overcome your own.
But there is more. Overcoming emotional trauma is a spiritual experience and this book contains messages from Christ to the world. This book was planned by God. God’s greatest temple is the human mind, and God demonstrated his power through me as a message to the world. The universe is worried about the world, and overcoming inner trauma is a metaphor for solving modern day conflicts. Sounds crazy, but thankfully it’s true. This book contains incredible thoughts. It’s truly a demonstration of God’s power. Amazon: COPY AND PASTE TO BROWSER OR CLICK ON BUTTON.
Hello readers and seekers of inner truth and spiritual inspiration! There is a mental health crisis, and emotional problems are ruining more and more lives. Emotional problems are often linked to an experience like the one described in this book. You aren’t alone. Reading this book is like staring into a fragmented mirror and seeing bits and pieces of your broken self in it. Everyone has a cross to carry.
Two children were sick in the hospital with encephalitis; one lived, one died. I was the one that lived. I survived, but was devastated by the traumatic hospital experiences. Christ visited me and encouraged me. Christ showed me the future. In the future, Christ would help me confront the emotional scars. Christ supported my thoughts, my mind, like a tree stake, he held me up, as if I was strong. I was empowered, bolstered; his thoughts were in my head. This is a real-life story, unlike any other.
This book takes you through my younger years and teenage years, and describes how I dealt with the traumatic memories, forgot them, and subsequently, discovered how to defeat them. As you understand how Christ helped me overcome the trauma, you’ll see the roadmap to overcome your own.
But there is more. Overcoming emotional trauma is a spiritual experience and this book contains messages from Christ to the world. This book was planned by God. God’s greatest temple is the human mind, and God demonstrated his power through me as a message to the world. The universe is worried about the world, and overcoming inner trauma is a metaphor for solving modern day conflicts. Sounds crazy, but thankfully it’s true. This book contains incredible thoughts. It’s truly a demonstration of God’s power. Amazon: COPY AND PASTE TO BROWSER OR CLICK ON BUTTON.